If We Knew...
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09-01-2010, 08:35 PM
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Oct 2005
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Go ahead and vote "no". You've given no indication that you would try to stop an attack...
*sighs, shaking head*
No, that is not what I am saying at all. In fact, out of everybody on this board I would probably have the most experience in actually doing something about this kind of event. I have the training needed, the experience, and even the equipment.
But you seem to be creating such a stupid scenario, and it just boggles my mind. I am supposed to believe that a normal civilian discovers a terrorist plot shortly before it happens, notifies the authorities who then do nothing, then is able to arrive at the scene with enough firepower to actually do something about it.
In real life, the moment the "Civilian Warrior" arrived on the scene with his AK-47, the Police will be called out in force to deal with the "idiot running around with guns".
Now this might make a good plot for a Chuck Norris, Arnold S, or Bruce Willis movie, but it is not real life. From what I keep reading, what you really have is a mentally unstable individual, who is very paranoid, xenophobic, and posesses weapons and is not afraid to use them.
OK, let's just take one "Real Life" scenario here. Let's take the Fort Dix plot, and have it take place in a school.
You have 5-10 individuals, who had spent several months training and rehearsing their attack. They have AK-47s, M-60 Machine guns, RPG-7, hand grenades, C-4, and body armour. Their intent is to enter in several different vehicles, and drive around trying to kill as many as possible. At the end of the attack they intend to blow up the cars with themselves in them.
Now what is our "Intreped Warrior" going to do? Stand in the middle of the school yard, blasting away at them like Rambo? Get each one as they arrived on the scene with a single head shot? Then somehow disable the triggers for the car bombs?
Basically, you are developing some kind of fantasy scenario, where nobody but the Mythic Warrior will be the one reacting. You are determined to stack the deck into such a way that nobody else will respond, and the response will actually do something.
Trust me, leave this to the professionals.
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