So you kill him? Remember, this is Amsterdam. More then likely he is simply doing a piss-poor job of smuggling some pot into the country. Or he might have been trying to hide some Cuban cigars. And I find it unbelieveable that security would not care about this kind of information. Heck, just joking about having a bomb in an airport can get a person arrested. BBC News Online | England | Cornwall | Airport bomb joke woman arrested Airport Bomb Joke Foolish Ranting of a Deluded Soul News Flash: "Shoe Bomb" Jokes Are Not Appropriate Airplane Banter - The Consumerist Italian tourist arrested for bomb joke at Manila's airport | Mail Online Bomb joke girl agrees to pay fine and apologise - Crime, UK - The Independent OK, I think this is enough. But this is not 1980. Terrorism is taken very seriously. The Government is not going to ignore any kind of threat, no matter how stupid it is. Even comming off of a military charter flight in uniform, I was made to wait over 90 minutes because my name is on the "terrorism watch list".