ahoy me friends! i seldom post much in part 'o our ports, but i was wonderin'...should the United States rescind its 6 billion in arms shipments to Taiwan. we need to remain in the good graces 'o the powerful nation 'o China, fer we need'm to keep buyin' our treasury bonds (i think that what they be called). i worry that we're bitin' the hand that feeds us by doin' anythin' that might anger our powerful friends. i feel badly, fer the profits 'o companies like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon will be hurt if we cannot continue to export weapons to the folks we wish to, but don't ye thinks it be dangerous to arouse the ire 'o the Chinese, 'specially when we need thar financial aid more than ever? Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business. i mean, with all the troubles we have, what be the chance that we'd take on the mighty Chinese in a military struggle, should they decide to invade Taiwan? aye? - MeadHallPirate