America admonished by China
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08-02-2010, 05:51 PM
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Oct 2005
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Really? China, as it stands now, is incapable of forcing the straight.
*nods to Thorhammer*
According to at least one high-ranking official, the United States has systematically underestimated the pace and scope of Chinese military modernization for years. On Oct. 21 in an interview with the Voice of America, the incoming Commander of U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM), Admiral Robert F. Willard, USN, told reporters that, "In the past decade or so, China has exceeded most of our intelligence estimates of their military capability and capacity, every year. ... They've grown at an unprecedented rate in those capabilities. And, they've developed some asymmetric capabilities that are concerning to the region, some anti-access capabilities and so on." Willard should know. Prior to becoming the USPACOM commander, he was in command of all U.S. naval forces in the Pacific; before that, he was Vice Chief of Naval Operations.
aye Thorhammer, if that be how ye feels, imma okies with that. i understand that ye certainly have a greater understandin' 'o US military capabilities. i would only add that our powerful country's resources (both financial and military) be stretched to its limit, and our ability to fund our military comes, indirectly, from the Chinese government.
we cannot afford to cross the Chinese in a military arena...the costs involved would scuttle our land, once and fer good. should China invade taiwan (somethin' thats very unlikely, taiwan and china be gettin' along quite well of late), the idear 'o the United States thunderin' to its rescue seems absurd. we cannot afford it, and the the will 'o the american people would never rally behind that kinda conflict. the Tea Party movement would certainly be screamin' bloody murder about it.
be that as it may, thats not really the point 'o me thread.
this be me point;
China’s foreign minister warned that U.S. will sell $6.4 billion of arms to Taiwan will harm Chinese efforts to unify peacefully with the island, the ministry said Sunday, after China suspended U.S. military exchanges and threatened unprecedented sanctions against American defense companies.
China Hits Back At U.S. Arms Sale To Taiwan | Mil-Tech
the united states 'o america needs a benevolent China to succor us in this time 'o economic catastrophe. the last thing we need be them folks in the far east takin' a dim view 'o our country, and we'd do well to heed thar words. it doesn't do well to cross yer benefactors.
- MeadHallPirate
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