Poll about BMW, MB and Audi
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07-15-2009, 12:14 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Mercedes Benz - Elegant, Technology, Power
BMW - Sports, Dynamics, Driving
Audi - Innovation, Modern, Style
To be honest, MB comes across as a bit old fashioned, but still cool, a bit overly american, gran turismo rather than track day, leather and wood, not carbon fiber. Architecture references: Big estates, fireplace, wood. Lot's of technology and innovation.
BMW comes across as sporty, cool, sleek, hip, designey, racetrack and driving, complex and not always on the mark in design, but appealing and younger than MB. The most risk taking of the three I guess, which has ended it up with some awesome successes and some catastrophic failures. Stainless steel + Glass architecture compatible.
Audi comes across as the new benchmark even though it isn't necessarily. On the mark with market sensibilities, always up to date and imposing new trends, not as dynamic or powerful as its rivals, rather an underdog. Focused on the experience rather than the drive. Architecture - White, marble or granite, contemporary.
Good luck with your transport design course. Where are you going to study? Undergrad or Masters? I'm trying to save up for IED or Coventry... Masters. Best of luck
- Superfresa -
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