What Does the Detroit Bomber Know?
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07-01-2010, 09:23 PM
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Oct 2005
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Just for giggles, all US flag airliners are also part of the military reserve, since they can be ordered into service as troop transports, the carriers receive a payment to make this a contractual obligation, some 747's are reinforced to allow them to carry tanks, and the government pays the airlines for the extra fuel the planes use carrying the extra weight.
So technically, if someone wanted to, you could argue that he was arrested for a crime that took place on a US military aircraft, if you wanted to put this into the military justice system.
Personally, I think the FBI is better equipped to extract information from him with perfectly legal methods that will hold up in court, than the kind of amateur torture show thrown together in Guantanamo.
Seriously, you are questioning a guy who just blew his nuts off, he's on heavy pain killers, he'll give up anything and everything he knows to a skillful interrogator who knows how to ask the questions.
And he should get a lawyer, when he requests one, which if they keep the morphine drip going might not be for a couple of weeks.
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