Universal Health Care
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06-04-2009, 04:38 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
id be cool with it if we could ensure that hypocondriacs (sp?) and people with self-inflicted illness are just shot instead of treated.
They drag down the system, inflate costs and just generally piss me off. Drink yourself thru 2 livers? You don't get a transplant, you die, fuck you.
You go to the doctor every 3 days for some bullshit and want tests n meds etc etc; fuck you, you die (ya, even if you weren't sick we kill you for wasting the countries time and money).
Also, the problem is that even if we have it "universal" the system will still be controlled by drug companies... Now they only have to throw HUGE bribes/comps at a few gov't appointed positions instead of bribing thousands of independent doctors and medical groups.
I would support universal health care if they specifically word it so its for LEGAL, SOCIAL SECURITY #'d citizens. Illegal immigrant? too bad, use some illegal meds to cure your illegal disease in your illegal body.
im grumpy this morning if you can't tell.
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