Rally Spectator Safety
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11-23-2011, 09:35 AM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
What a bunch of wowsers and sanctimonious do gooders you people are.
One of the attractions of attending and watching the WRC rounds is the ability to get right up close to the action.
Herding spectators like sheep into pens is simply not the name of the game and likely does more to drive people away than anything else.
In fact, in nearly 40 years involvement in the sport, by far the majority of incidents I've seen involving spectators being hit by rally cars have ocurred in organised areas or areas where there are large numbers of people gathered together.
Indeed I cannot recall such an incident involving a lone spectator at all.
The freedom to move about and react quickly is the adventurous spectators security blanket. Long may it be so!
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