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Old 05-01-2010, 10:03 PM   #26

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Oct 2005
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Well said, and I agree with everything except your first statement. I think we could do it like the Israelis.
A few more questions by better trained people who know what to look for would go a long way. And the Israelis don't just do it at their own airport.
This practice alone would have stopped the Christmas bomber.
I'm with you, I'm all in for better trained people working for our security at airports!

Unhappily I don't believe that many governments are able or willing to provide the funds and resources needed for it and so the whole spin about new technical tools like body scanners, just will be used to hide the fact that the government/airlines/airports underperform in the human factor of security and don't/can't pay for it!

I mean, the last time I went to Japan, they had all the hardware and legal assets to detect possible wrongdoers (drug/explosive dogs sniffing at passagers/lugguage, fingerprints/photos taken like in the US and so on..), but when they picked me out for inspection (due to my age and so probably for drug smuggeling? me?), I faced an officer unable to truely communicate with me, so imho it was a waste of time!

Somehow I guess the female custom/immigration officer, asking me just a couple of questions in perfect German at the Dubai airport, got a clearer picture about me, than the little Jap inspecting my lugguage for 30 minutes!
Filling25 is offline


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