What warning tune would you pick for your electric ride?!
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04-01-2009, 06:23 AM
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Oct 2005
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What warning tune would you pick for your electric ride?!
All this fuzz about the Tesla and stuff made me think...
Electrical rides are so quiet, that it would probably be dangerous to drive them in areas with lots of pedestrians, byciclists or children, because they're so used to depending on their hearing when engaging in traffic.
Because dents and blood mess up the looks of your eco-ride, maybe it would be a good idea to make yourself noticed by carrying a sound...(probably there'll be laws for it too)
So my question to all y'all:
What sound would YOU pick for your electric ride?!
(Of course there'll be anti-sound in the interior, so you can still enjoy a perfectly silent ride)
I'm still in dubio between KITT's (the Trans-Am) scanner sound (circling the car in 4-channel surround), and a simple bass tone , that starts at around 20Hz when "idle", and gets a higher pitch when you drive faster.
Also, some subways have a really cool sound when they accelerate, but I can't find a sound clip of it anywhere.
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