Rude Boy, I would also suggest taxing defense contractors that are making revenue from the war, but I suppose they would just consider it a CODB (cost of doing business) and find a way to add it to their pricing to Uncle Sam, in which case we the taxpayors would ultimately be paying the tax. I suppose borrowing to fund a war effort has been around for a long time, alhtough the war bonds issued in WWII seemed a more honest way to do it than our defecit spending to fund Vietnam, which IMHO was done for political reasons - people would have been that much less supportive of the war if their taxes had gone up to pay for it - which again I would imagine will happen if a war tax is levied now. BUT, since 99% of us go to the mall and go about our lives with no "skin in the game" as they say, while 1% of us do the actual fighting and dying, I still like this idea.