If I may ask out of curiosity-what is your mental illness? You are able to write and read obviously?
Wars like Afghanistan and Iraq seem to overheat the US economy early on, from 2003-2006 the economy has high growth and good employment but rising debt, 2007 signs of recession up ahead, in 2008 it hits crises and now there is prolonged unemployment with the US economy unable to get back on footing..
the notion that these 2 stupid countries Afghan and Iraq are worth all this so their women are saved is such a joke..
ultra nationalism is about 'winning' problem is the nationalists in those occupied countries also want to win, and they can only win if the US and nato is driven out.. and unlike the USA, the rebels have nothing to lose.
Had those left-wing pussies are whatever you call them not rioted until the US govt was forced to end that corrupt war you can only imagine where the US economy would have gone...
You don't appreciate what those protesters did for their country by pressuring the US govt to end the war.. Where are these patriots now?