Sad And terrible Irony. (long introduction, pitiful conlusio
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06-11-2006, 08:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Actually, wages here are pretty decent, but the standard of living is expensive, so in that respect minimum wage is pretty low. Minimum wage in CA is $6.75/hour and the "Living Wage" in San Diego (One person can live with basics) is $10/hour. Most entry, student jobs such as bagging groceries or bussing tables is started at minimum wage and not regulated. More proffessional companies such as where I'm working (also construction and any city contracting jobs) start at Living wage for entry positions, and our Chief Attorneys earn upwards of $136k/year. I poked around just now and found that with a year of experience, jobs such as ours hire you in for $15 per hour.
Called and checked up on her today, it sounds like she's fine, she's at her apartment, talking about her sister picking her up for the fourth of July, and says she may try to start Tuesday, so maybe crisis will be narrowly avoided.
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