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Old 02-01-2010, 06:46 PM   #8

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The quest for perfection in government is noble, especially coming from the unabashed supporters of a drunk driving, convicted vandal as president.
Does one consider the requirement that the nominee be human, and as a human will have faults?
Twenty years ago is a long time, a person going through a divorce who's wife and children are living with another man may have enough curiosity about that man as to cause him to violate rules which are violated every day by hundreds, if not thousands of people in the law enforcement community.
The incident is on his record, he explained it imperfectly, but I don't see where the "misled congress" headline is justified.
The real issue is will this nominee make the country safer in the position for which he has been nominated.
Then again maybe the GOP should filibuster every Obama nominee, then if there is a terrorist event they can say they were right, and isn't the death of thousands of ordinary Americans worth it if it benefits the Republican Party?
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