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Old 12-10-2009, 05:21 AM   #10

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Oct 2005
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ahoy Jviehe-who-has-me-on-ignore!


yer just doin' what ye once accused others 'o doin'...usin' the deaths of our brave fightin' men and women to find an avenue to bash the current american president. its disgustin' stuff, me hearty.

mr. obama is committed to vittory in afghanistan.

he has increased the US troop commitment to them troubled waters.

he has done so while sailin' into hostile headwinds from his own party and an american citizenry that could give a rat's arse about our war there. you get it, mate?


if anythin', i give the president credit fer not wrappin' himself up in the deaths 'o these soldiers to further his own agenda.

Mr. Obama's efforts at an american vittory has been made all the more difficult by a republican party that has gone oddly silent since a new skipper has taken o'er the reigns.

i hate to post somethin' partisan here, but i cannot helps it.

from what i understand, the GOP believes this be a war that our country must see through. it be a war that be crucial to our national security, yet instead of lendin' robust support to the president (somethin' they be loathe to do, even when they are in agreement with him), conservatives like yerself prefer to use this as a wedge issue to weaken our commander and chief.

*spits on the deck*


- MeadHallPirate
Jviehe is right to criticize the Obama administration on its handling of the situation in Afghanistan. Obama is over 1/5 of the way thru his term, and it’s been over a year since he said taking the fight to al Qaeda and the Taliban would be his top priority. All he’s done so far is send in some more troops and make some staffing changes while the situation steadily deteriorates. For all his talk of a need for victory in Afghanistan, and I agree we do need to win there, he has yet to come up with victory conditions or a strategy for achieving them. Instead of showing some leadership and acting like the commander-in-chief, he’s wasting his time and energy on health care crap; an issue that should be put off until after our service men and women are out of harm’s way. It’s not simply a partisan attack when even the people over there aren’t sure what the objectives are. The one who really abused it as a wedge issue was Obama, when he used it to look like a tough guy to help him get elected, then bailed on it once in office in favor of partisan politics, leaving our service members high and dry wondering what they’re supposed to be doing aside from being moving targets.
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