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Old 08-29-2012, 09:08 AM   #3

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Oct 2005
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In a characteristically unwitting way…
Perhaps being on the other side of the world you are a bit… ‘out of touch’ with how things are done here. Here when one wishes to discus George Bush in such a way as you clearly do, you just pick one of the easy to remember and use catch phrases…

BUSH lied kids died!
War for Oil!

Or even the ever popular I BLAME BUSH!

However if you had asked your questions without the benefit of having your answers already set inside your own mind you would see why Iraq is/was a great success.

We must ask: Who bears the responsibility for launching and continuing the war? Launching the war… Saddam, and his bluff of having WMDs and we know that he was actively making the world think he had a stockpile in a effort to scare Iran. Saddam wouldn’t let the inspectors inspect because he had them but because he did not.

Continuing the war were/are Saddam’s Sunni thugs, then AQ, then Iran, and now a mish-mash of a few of this and a little of that each one hoping to advance their agenda through violence.

What are these individuals trying to achieve? And have they in fact achieved these objectives? As noted above, there are/were several but the big loser, after Saddam’s thugs, has to be AQ. They put a good amount of resources… time, men, money and not the least of which public relations into the Iraq campaign… and lost totally.

Baghdad was to be their capital, the Arab masses were to rise up in holy war. The other ‘despotic’ regimes were going to fall. The Muslim world would rally to their cause and they would defeat the Great Satan the US and send us home in shame.

We won they lost… if there was no other measure… this would be enough.

Having answered these questions correctly, we shall be obliged to conclude that the war has been a huge success for those who brought it about, however disastrous it has been for many others, especially for the unfortunate people of Iraq. Your clear yet subtle claim of American Imperialism fails on it’s face. We are leaving. Just like we left France (twice) Germany (twice) Japan, China, Cuba, and a host of other places.

As for your concern for “the unfortunate people of Iraq” Can we assume that you don’t mean the men and women of the US armed Forces that put their own lives at risk as to not kill civilians. If only others care so much like the thousands that went to Iraq for the sole reason of killing civilians. That governments of Syria and Iran that made and sent the men the money and the bombs to kill mostly civilians cared as much as our troops do.
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