Absolutely...just beat me to that thought as I was going to reply to Sluggo. I think these days in the country we're waaaay into too much 'can't do' mode, finger pointing, excuses, etc. That stuff really has grown old with me, especially in politics and public discussion in politics, etc. The effective result of that is zero. Where's the 'can do' spirit these days? We even have too much 'that's beyond my pay grade' or 'outside my job description' stuff...it's so limiting. Nobody can or should attempt to be a 'jack of all trades' because someone concentrating everywhere is concentrating nowhere, but that's no an excuse IMO for self-limiting the potential one can do with their skill sets and talents for being productive and getting the pride--and pay--that ought to come with it. For example, the border is precisely a place where trained troops can do plenty of good. It's no secret that we have loads of drug dealers around there--some military trained or given military style training like Los Zetas--and the military is trained in things like how to conduct day and night patrols. Some have that for desert areas and there's plenty of that--and a problem area for border trafficking--in the US like the Sonoran Desert border area. But, you'll hear 'can't do' types raising wild-eyed bogeymen fears of troops going jihad on immigrants and other nonsense, or someone citing the Posse Comitatus Act and ending discussion without thinking any deeper as to whether or not it can be amended to do reasonable things without destroying the original purpose of why it was enacted, etc.