So what? Really. So fucking what? I'm talking to a dad at my kid's karate class last night and he's a reserve guy and he probably has to go over to Afghanistan in a couple of weeks. He's leaving his real job and his real family and going over there for what? He might not come home. I'm not being a smart ass here - I really want to know what everyone thinks is going to be accomplished over there - or what they think we are accomplishing or preventing with all these folks going over there? I say this is the perfect time to realize that we are not shaping anything over there, not accomplishing anything sustainable, and it's time to get the fuck out. This has been a massive fuckup by Bush Jr that has been rationalized as much as possible by the most losing position possible - we're in there, we can't leave now bullshit. We've seen US servicemen and women so disconnected from the honor of the military in this action that terrible things have been done. Kids are dying holding positions that are meaningless. The President(s) apparently could not give less of a shit because we haven't had a National address on why these kids are dying that I can remember. It's done. Fuck it. Bring everyone home. We might actually need an army sometime soon.