Facebook et al will kill off email?
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06-22-2010, 03:06 AM
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Oct 2005
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You know personally I think no. There are things that facebook are appropriate for like tell all you friends you went to a party at the weekend and there are more important things that are more suited to email. But then in Australia you are allowed to serve legal notice via facebook!?!
I don't like facebook but I can see how it's become pervasive. I joined Facebook before any of my friends did because I wanted to look at some pictures of this girl. Of course I didn't really use it until friends did start getting on there but then this one guy started posting post multiple updates a day things like how he was going to clean the apartment today and hourly updates on how cleaning the apartment was going. When another girl who would also feel the need to update her status constantly set her status to having spaghetti for dinner I thought **** this **** and I hardly go on anymore. I have to admit though it means I'm out of the loop a lot and I have to ask my wife, who is on Facebook, what's happening to my sister.
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