I sat in on a discussion of this matter on another board I participate in. A couple fighter pilots and an aerospace engineer disected the image of the plane piece-by-piece and came up with a number of physical reasons that this plane is, at best, 2nd grade stealth technology. From what I gather (which is not to say from what I understand - because I didn't) the engines on that plane will light up heat seekers just like any other jet engine. They're not shrouded or baffeled in any way to reduce their signature. Additionally, the canard wing configuration pretty much blows any attempt at stealth. We tried it and scrapped it because it just couldn't be done. There are physics behind why they don't work, but they lost me at that point. Following that discusssion I'm pretty much convinced (for all that's worth) that this plane does not have a full stealth capability. An old Tomcat would be putting missiles up this things ass form 150 miles out.