How about this... yours and a government official's daughters are competing for a high-end job position. You have same qualifications as she. This can be resolved one of three ways: a. You get a letter. "You (or your daughter) frequent a gay S&M club on saturdays / are cheating on your spouse / meet with neo-nazis or communists, etc... Unless your daughter gives up her application, this information will be disseminated" b. The committee gets a letter w. some photos - "would you really want to employ this person because they do X, Y, Z that is taboo, unpopular, illegal. c. in the middle of the night the police come and take you away. you have committed 73 minor offenses in the past 5 years, and today you will be prosecuted for all of them. Go to a library and ask for them to give you ALL the laws of your country. When you're done with the several hundred thousand pages, let me know if you've violated ANY of them ever. If you never violated any law, and NEVER done anything that could be viewed badly by ANYONE, then you indeed have nothing to fear.