Back to the story... My impression from this is, given the latest developments is that what we have is a young man who couldn't go through with it. I am considering that the reason no effective timed-detonation device was found in the car is because there wasn't ever supposed to be one. My guess is that in his time in Pakistan the suspect was taught how to be a suicide bomber, and that this was meant to be the original plan, and he simply couldn't go through with it, panicked, lit the car on fire and tried to run away. I see his family (which was moved to Pakistan) as another confounding variable. I think it is possible, given his lack of determination in fulfilling his mission, and apparently readiness to speak with the authorities, that his family may have been held hostage. Altogether, the good news is that this story ended about as well as it could possibly have ended - with no one hurt (not even the perpetrator) and no property damage (other than the car itself).