Ben Roethlisberger
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04-22-2010, 08:34 AM
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Nov 2005
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the nfl has a player policy that they sign. That policy states that if players put themselves in situations where they can bring shame or embarrassment to themselves or the nfl, they will be subject to disciplinary action.
Big, dumb, fat faced Ben roethlisberger went into a restroom where a completely inebriated 20 yr old girl had been (from reports i have read) dragged by his security detail. He goes into the bathroom and begins banging her, until he slams her head upside the toilet.. at which point he realizes what a fuct situation he has put himself in, decides he is no longer into it and quits. In the meantime, the inebriated 20 year old girl's friends try to get to the restroom, because they are worried about their friend. Unfortunately, big, dumb, fat faced Ben's bodyguards prevent them.
There is more to this story, but that right there, should be enough for you to see where the NFL was coming from in this situation. Mainly, the point that within a year, this is the 2nd time he was up on rape charges.
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