Eyafallajökull volcano
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04-21-2010, 11:35 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
This year
doesn't look out of the ordinary
so far.
Actually I think it does.
Since we're only in April of 2010 and there have already been (according to that scale), more deaths in the last 4 months of this year than in the last 9 years, apart from 2004.
So if the amount of quakes keep up as in previous years and erupt in places where the population is dense then the figure for the last 4 months should in theory treble for this year.
Apart from this, I'm wondering whether Aug 2010 will bring some more devastating earthquakes, since this will be the time of this year when the Moon is closest to the earth on its elliptical approach, and as most people know the moon effects the earth's tides, but most probably don't realise that it effects the earth's Teutonic plates as well.
Not more than a few hours after the Indonesian Tsunami swept 230,000 people to their deaths, my Father told me that he thought the recent Full Moon was to blame as it had caused the Teutonic plates under the ocean to shift against each other and that caused the earthquake and resulting Tsunami/s. (the moon had been its closest to the earth for several years, probably since 2004, going off that scale).
The Closer the Moon is to the Earth the more the Earth's crusts are "twisted" out of shape, the next time the Moon is close to the Earth is in August of this year, I'd be very surprised if we don't see some large earthquakes occurring at that time, But depending on what parts of the Earth are subjected to that increased Gravity will depend on where the Earthquakes occur, if at Sea, it could be very bad, on Land, maybe not as bad.
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