LOTR on Blu Ray... woot!
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04-17-2010, 11:06 AM
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Oct 2005
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LOTR on Blu Ray... woot!
You heard right folks, the LOTR trilogy is finally out on Blu Ray!
I went straight to JBs to get my copy yesterday, and it's amazing! But sadly there is a bit of a reality check:
They are just the cinematic versions, as the full extended editions may not make it until next year. So die hard fans will have to wait a little longer for those.
The video transfer quality, whilst being devilishly impressive, is not the best we've seen on BluRay. It gets a solid 4 out of 5 on most Blu Ray review sites, and comparing the 3 films TFOTR is actually below the following 2 in terms of HD quality.
Still, that said; it's amazing to see in 1080p! The sound quality is spectacular, presented in 6.1 DTS-HD and it really skaes the room, and despite the minor shortcomings of the video transfer (for which, to be honest, only die hard video-philes will pick up on) it packs a serious punch in your HD movie lineup. Each film contains a full set of DVD special features, but once again, you will have to wait until the Extended Edition set comes out to really take advantage of all the extra bits and pieces New Line is intending to offer with this trilogy.
Well as for me, I am off and wont be back for 9 hours and 20 minutes! [thumbup]
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