What was the Internet like in 1996?
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06-03-2010, 12:05 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
First time I experienced being online was on a field trip we had from school, i forgot where exactly we went but it was a place where a computer was using this new technology called "the internet". I was 11 back then, and man it was an experience like no other. Had to nag the parents for over a year, trying to convince them why it was 'essential' in our home. Took me 1 year before i convinced them. back then 14.4kbps was blindingly fast (for me atleast).
I remember my first online game experience, I played Diablo (the first one), talked to some doods online and they were surprised I was playing a game like that while just being 12. lol
it was a time where bright rainbow colors for text everywhere was 'cool' like yellow text on white background. comic sans was allover the place and repeating patterns for backgrounds was the in thing.
good times
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