Real long shot, but is anyone able to find or recreate this?
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12-31-2009, 02:30 AM
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Nov 2005
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Real long shot, but is anyone able to find or recreate this?
I'm going to a NYE party tomorrow night with a fancy dress theme, either something beginning with "T" or "K" (The initials of the pub) or cross-dressing.
I've been really short on ideas, not really in the mood for fancy dress and can't afford to spend much at all but came across this on pimpmysnack earlier today...
Which made me think if I could print out something similar, I can just wear normal clothes and tape it round my middle.... job done.
Thing is I can't find anything to print or enlarge and print that would be big enough and I lack any and all ability required to re-create it myself. Would someone be able to help me out?
Failing that, I'm open to other ideas. Back up plan is to take a long sleeve red t-shirt and draw a big T on the front - Terrance (and Philip)
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