The way it looked to me, the cop's vehicle was hit by something while he was driving (its DC too remember, and he was likely around during 9/11. All cops there would be quite edgy I would imagine even after this much time). He looks and sees a large crowd, could be a pissed off mob, could be protesters, could be a group of idiots throwing snowballs around a busy city street. Could be some guns in that crowd. He gets out with his gun drawn (always at his side) for all of 30 seconds maybe while he radios for backup. During that time he was nowhere near people and time during which he was being hit with snowballs from the crowd and verbally assaulted. Backup arrives during which time he is confronting a now loud and obnoxious crowd (no gun) that should have started to leave the scene because this is now a scene with officers trying to gain control. At that point it is not about a pissed off cop with a gun anymore. Its an unruly group of people that just need to break it up and leave. I think he should have stayed in his vehicle, radioed for backup waited for them and then took charge with no gun and dispersed the crowd. But he did what he did, he threatened noone with that gun. The crowd escalated things on their own. -5 points for the cop for not staying in car, radio for assistance, no gun. -20 points for the crowd doing something they shouldn't have been doing and not peacefully leaving the scene.