So I was leaving a bar with my wife and her friend. I was the DD, so I was 100% sober. This car starts following me, and I'm thinking "this is totally a cop" so I'm driving flawlessly, cruise control locked right under the speed limit, dead center of the road. Didn't even cross the center line around tight curves. Follows me for 5 minutes and then he pulls me over. I'm thinking "he obviously just wants to check if I'm drunk". Now here's the part where I get pissed. Since I guess he can't just pull me over to ask if I'm drunk he has to lie to me. He says "I saw you cross the fog line" and all 3 of us just go dead silent, because my driving was flawless. I knew it was a cop, and I made 100% sure not to even touch the line. So here I am, pulled over for a bullshit reason, window down, in freezing cold weather, with the car off so my seat warmers turn off. I have to start freezing my ass off and waste my time while some cop who just accused me of a bunch of bullshit runs my info? This is why I hate cops. Had he just said "I just wanted to see if you were sober" took 20 seconds of my time, and let me on my way I'd be OK with it. But no, he has to make up some bullshit to justify his pulling me over and then run my info. So far every cop I've ever run into has pissed me off. I got a ticket for speeding when I wasn't, pulled over and BS'd to just to check if I was sober, and there was a cop present at my hit and run who couldn't have given a **** less and went back to his breakfast. And to top it all off as I'm writing this the darth vader chick at work is breathing so hard I can't hear myself think. If you get so winded that you're panting loud enough to be heard over the general noise of a call center just by sitting in a chair EAT FEWER DONUTS FATTY. And I've had a headache since Friday night that just won't go away. Man I'm in a bad mood.