Wow this thread really turned into a heated discussion [xmascool] First, I want to break down a simple rule. Opinions are opinions, okay? That "it's obvious that this is lady is attractive" doesn't work as it's no objective viewing we are doing, just our opinion if we feel attractive toward her or not. Second, I agree there's a difference between not being my type or not that attractive but since I don't really think you can simplify attractiveness of the opposite gender by a type I didn't say that. Third..If I would look a hobbit I cannot tell (it's not like I resemble Frodo or Sam in the lotr movies lol) but why it would matter I don't understand, it's not like you get a higher (or lower) opinion vote by being a higher level of the matter in the discussion, at least not how I see it.
just on a side note, not everyone that spends alot of time infront of a computer is a fat nerdy looking hobbit with freckles and a pair of glasses. Sometimes i feel sorry for you guys,..