And do you still think that? And has she ever thought that of you? I've been with my Wife for 10 years, (nearly) and I've always thought she was out of my League, Maybe that's a bit of low confidence in myself coming out too, But She has always thought that of me and still does. Probably because recently she has been worried about putting on a few pounds here and there, But I'm not attracted to skinny women and prefer the curvier figure, Not too Curvy though, I don't mind a women with a bit of a belly, but not too much. I like something to cuddle up to and a skinny women with her ribs sticking out puts me right off. Nothing like cuddling up to a curvy women on a cold winter night. [thumbup] Its weird how women's minds think though, even after all these years of me telling her how much I fancy her and how much I love her Curvy figure, she still thinks I'm lying to her. I guess she has low confidence in herself too, but I think a lot of women have "hangups" about various things.