I got two of the $198 laptops, I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to go over after dinner, so we did. Got there at 11, stayed till 5, first two in line for it. Walked out the door at 5:10 with two laptops. Sold one to her dad to give to her mom for Christmas, sold the laptop I just purchased three weeks ago today too. So now I am typing on a $198 laptop, with HD 3200 integrated... far better than the 4500M in the other one I just got. Going to order 2GB more, and a dual core Turion online... all said and done I will have less than $300 in for a pretty damn good laptop! Also... they were having people line up for these in the store pick up area, so we had a full bench to chill on, and bathrooms 10 feet away. I had my other laptop with me, and an outlet a few feet away. Could have been worse!