Smoking Near Apple Computers Creates Biohazard, Voids Warranty
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11-24-2009, 11:01 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Well he made it sound like he had to do that and refused to do so because it smelled bad. Waa.
I didn't HAVE to do it. I did it once for a person at work, as a favor. For free. Never again.
I am exceedingly sensitive to it. On the order of it causing breathing problems for me. So yes, its a health hazzard and I won't work on machines that smell like it. I'm not required to by the business i work for so I refuse.
I can smell that a smoker has been through a hallway minutes after they've gone. I can smell it on the highway when the driver of the car in front exhales. So yes, I'm extremely sensitive.
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