Unfortunately not - think of space being like a sheet of rubber and the black hole is like a very heavy ball of iron placed on to it. The rubber will deform and create a deep pit with very steep sides: it's the steepness that's the problem. "Inside" the event horizon, the steepness is so much that you'd need to have a velocity greater than the speed of light to climb up and that's not possible if you have mass. If you generate your own gravity, however much you make, then you're just going to contribute to make the pit's sides steeper. That said, it's only an issue inside the event horizon: beyond it, the velocity needed is always going to be less than the speed of light so, with enough speed, it's possible to come right up to the event horizon - within millimetres - and still get away. Any part of you or the spaceship that you're in that touches the event horizon has had it though.