Can you ONLY sell to people who also join ACN? If so, then it's a complete waste of your money. If you can sign up ANYONE for ACN's phone service, like door to door sales, calling business, etc. then you DO have potential for profit. If not then walk away now. From what I saw on their website it sounds like you can sell to anyone, but there was a lot of crap to look through and I didn't feel like reading it all. Any buy-in system where you can sell to people has profit potential. But depending on your skills as a salesman, and the market you're in, you could end up profiting or losing the $500 start-up. Plenty of people made good money selling Kirby and Rainbow vacuums. But you have to be good at sales and dedicated to it. Also, I saw something about an annual fee you have to pay. Not sure what it was all about, but it's somewhere in all that legalese. I wouldn't call it a scam exactly.. just something that probably isn't worth the time and money. Some people will get lucky, grab a bunch of customers, and make some cash. Most people will probably get nowhere. Also, are you just selling that retarded video thingy, or are you selling them dialtone too? If you're selling dialtone, especially to business, that's not THAT bad. But if you have to sell some shitty videophone to get a sale.. forget it.