Strange home power issue
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08-25-2009, 03:29 PM
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Oct 2005
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Strange home power issue
Ok, for the last few days at random the power on my PC will just shut off. Now at first I though maybe the pc was getting too hot so I turned the fans to the max. After doing so I looked at the temps while playing a game for 2 hours and noticed that they never get any higher than 45c. While playing this game the lights in my bedroom flickered like crazy and all the stuff in my room reset/shutdown.
I have never seen something like this happen before until today. I have a 680W PSU that's powering s 3800+, 8800GT, sata hdd and a dvd burner. None of which is really running at the same time. What makes it even more strange is recently the fuse box in my home was replaced with all brand new equipment which makes it really hard to believe that it can't sustain such a weak load. Keep in mind I just moved in here less than 2 weeks ago and that's when this stuff started to happen.
Any thoughts or suggestions to what may be the problem? I just find it really hard to believe my PC is causing this to happen. [help]
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