Anyone know anything about exchange server?
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08-24-2009, 01:58 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Anyone know anything about exchange server?
I'm having
problems with our company's managed exchange solution. I am used to having Rackspace run this system at my previous job and at this place it's being run by a company I won't name (as they might be telling the truth) who are appalling. When I first started my workload was very light as I was brought in to manage projects that are starting now so I agreed to migrate everyone to the exchange solution in the meantime. Among the biggest problem has been their insistance that they don't have the ability to log into our system with a global admin account and fix problems (such as the fact that we couldn't mass drag and drop folders into public folders) and could only advise us over the phone what to do. So far this problem is not resolved and is making me look a bit of a prune. I've had to give up 4 hours of my weekend for free to try and fix problems that I feel should be covered by the SLA of hosted exchange. If we wanted these headaches we would install our own exchange server. It costs £10 per month per mailbox and we have 25 mailboxes. I expect better from a company that has
24/7 UK based telephone and online application support
as one of its selling points.
Please only offer advice if you have experience of administering microsoft exchange as I don't want to be unfairly harsh with them but IMO it's time to move providers.
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