If you drive and text, you should watch this
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08-22-2009, 08:49 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Anyhow, what idiot texts while driving? Even handsfree is dangerous, and should be banned.
Hands free, whilst still dangerous, is far less dangerous then texting/talking on a mobile phone or drink driving. With handsfree you still have both hands on the wheel and have your eyes on the road, and if your skilled most of your concentration will be on the road also.
Text driving is illegal in Australia anyways but people still do it, it annoys the crap out of me when I see people driving erratically and wonder wtf they are doing only to find them texting or talking on their mobile phones. And I'm not being sexists but 80% of them are usually women.
They should really make an ad out of this but knowing some p*ssies that are to scared to watch this will probably have it removed/banned within hours of airing.
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