Holocause deniers,..
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08-24-2009, 09:51 PM
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Oct 2005
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My wife's grandmother had some neighbours who were jews, they told her about what had happened in Bergen-Belsen...she gets tears in her eyes whenever she talks about what they told her...
So anyone saying that the holocaust never happened, is no way better than the people who killed the people!
And if there was no holocaust, why do still get old Nazi-people extradited to germany to get their law-suit for murdering 10.000 of people? I think there IS some evidence ;-)
There are still a lot of eye-witnesses, and there are a lot more photos then the two who were posted here, I visited the "German Resistance Memorial Museum" in Berlin this year - there were a lot of photos of the KZ's, and even with dead people inside the KZ, the gas chambers etc...and I think it's impossible, that 5-6 Million people suddenly "disappear"...
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