Radiator fan not kicking in
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07-30-2009, 10:50 AM
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Oct 2005
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Radiator fan not kicking in
I have two electrically run fan radiators which are used to cool the radiator down. But ever since hosing down my engine they have not been working (also had problems with sparkplugs to, they somehow got wet but I took em out to dry and now car runs fine).
Normally they will kick in about a minute after the car has had time to warm up. But I can have the car running as long as I want and they won't kick in anymore. I can see smoke coming from the engine (part that connects the exhaust) and after a while smoke will start coming from the radiator. Even when this occurs the temperature reading in the car reads under half way so it's no-where near the point of overheating.
I checked the fuse, and it was OK, swapped it over just to stay on the safe side, still not working. Disconnected and reconnected the fan plugs just incase they came loose, still not working.
Any ideas? I've done a crap load of work to my car lately and it's had it's share of problems on the way but I fixed practically all of them except this one.
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