Question for anyone who knows about UK tax practices.
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04-05-2009, 12:30 AM
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Oct 2005
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Question for anyone who knows about UK tax practices.
I've got a few questions about my tax as I think I might be entitled to a refund.
Basically, I left my old job for another, better paying one, in March 2008.
My tax code for this year (6 April 08 - 5 April 09) is 549L according to my PAYE Coding Notice letter. However, this has been calculated in January 09, I assume, on the assumption I was staying with my old company at a salary of £13,500 a year.
It also states that I would pay tax @ 20% on any earnings between £5435 and £34600
I started my new job on 10 March 2008 @ £18,500 a year. Should this mean I had a different tax code? The tax code on my payslips with my new employer was 543L.
As well as that, I ended up only staying at this job for around 6 months before leaving to go to University; I’ve not been in employment since. My final payslip from my employer (dated 22 August 2008) states under "Year to Date";
Gross Taxable Pay - £8150.53
Tax Paid - £1176.80
Now I assume that I was paying tax in a way that it will all even up to be the right amount if I was there for the whole tax year and therefore earned £18,500 over the course of the year.
As I've got a tax free allowance of about £5430 (Is that right, with a 543L taxcode?) that should mean that I only pay tax on what I earn over that amount? Which means the total amount I should pay tax on is roughly £8150 - £5430 = £2720. In which case I should get a refund of some of the tax I have paid, because if I have worked things out right, I've paid £1176.80 on a total taxable income over my allowance of £2720.
By my logic, if I have a total taxable income of around £2720, 20% of that would be £544. As I have paid a total of £1176.80 in tax, I should get a refund of approximately £1176-£544 = £632
Am I going along the right lines here? Or am I laughably off base? If anyone is really good at this sort of thing, do they have any idea what sort of refund I might be entitled to and when I might receive it if so?
As an aside, I've not had any other form of significant taxable income over the year either.
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