Images from Watchmen movie (promo/viral stuff etc 56k go away)
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07-02-2009, 09:01 AM
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Oct 2005
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I'd read it. (But being a fan of the comic, I guess I would say that!)
My enjoyment of Watchmen doesn't come from the plot that drives the story, but more from the characters, their background stories, and the impact that they all had on the world. And given that those characters stories are told through numerous flashbacks, I'm not sure how much of it they can keep in. By the time that the Super Extended Director's cut is released they will have added 65 minutes worth of footage to the film, which should give you an idea of how much is being cut out of the cinematic release.
If you have easy access to a copy then go for it, but given how close we are to the release, I wouldn't go out your way for it.
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