Stupid people complain about one-armed children's TV presenter
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02-25-2009, 04:48 AM
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Oct 2005
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The big problem here is the Parents, as Adults see things completely different to how Children see things.
Children perceive things differently, And even if something isn't quite what an adult might think is normal, its not often that a child would dwell on that fact and think anything of it.
If a child has grown up in an environment where people with disabilities are considered to be less than a Normal person or if their parents had "hangups" about people with mental or physical disabilities, then once their Adults and have children of their own, those insecurities and life experiences will be passed onto their children, maybe even forced onto their children, to some degree and Anybody with a disability will then be seen as someone to be scared of, or shunned.
Their children might even not be bothered by watching someone with one limb on TV, especially if the focus of their attention is somewhere else, and in the case of this Woman, she has the arm in plain view, so its not hidden and thus if its in plain view then it must be normal as normally if your trying to hide something your embarrassed about or worried that it might scare people, Then you hide it away.
By having it in plain view and even "showing it off", she is saying out loud, "I'm not scared of it so why should you be? ".
Personally I think its great and its the right thing to do, as she is giving Power to every disabled person that watches that program, every person with a disablement that has somehow been ridiculed by others can see that if some TV presenter has a disablement and is showing it off on TV then it must be ok to be disabled and that you should be proud of who you are and not be afraid to show off what makes you, You!
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