Custom Open fire problems.
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01-01-2009, 04:15 AM
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Oct 2005
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How many doors do you have into and out of the room?
My folks have an open fire, in a room with 3 exits (2 on the same wall as the fire, one on the opposite side of the room).
We found that if the door on the other side of the room was left open (even slightly), then smoke would spill into the room instead of drawing up the chimney. The two doors on the same wall as the fire made no difference if they were open or closed.
Try first closing all the doors into the room, then if that does not work, try different combinations until you find one that works. If nothing does, then it might be a chimney / flue issue....
Looking at your photos, the chimney also looks quite narrow and small. Was it fitted professionally, or is it a DIY job?
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