Anyone been close to being in a car accident or been in one?
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02-02-2009, 07:12 AM
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Oct 2005
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Anyone been close to being in a car accident or been in one?
Just curious,
what did you think as it was happening?
I was driving a couple of nights ago and I hit a slick patch on the road (it had been snowing) and I tried to adjust the car to go back into my lane, turning the wheel to the right, but didn't have any traction, I ended up fishtailing and then going WAY to the right, up onto the sidewalk, all 4 wheels, almost hit a signpost and then almost hit a tree before I got back into the road. Since there was snow all over, it was quite a smooth ride and I checked out the car and there was NO damage on it whatsoever, which, considering I drove a compact car up the sidewalk is amazing. There wasn't anyone around so it was all quite surreal.
The funny things is what I was thinking through all of it. My first thought was "Oh no, not the tree or the signpost please" but then I started thinking about how much it would cost to get the car fixed, then I wondered whether the airbag would deploy or not (was going about 15-20), and I was more curious than anything. I didn't think anything about myself or my safety. What have other people thought in the same situation.
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