Oh, I know all about depression. This is going to sound like me being a real prick (which it is) but one of the reasons I don't pity suicidal people is because to me they're pussies. I'm a bit of a masochist. If life is that bad death is too good. Suffer more. But I think there are a lot of people like me out in this world who don't have sympathy for these people because we have had it worse, or know people who have it worse, and they don't go all emo. I mean my God, look at Hawking. I tried living that whole "If you think life will be good it will blah blah blah" crap, but I'm determined as of recent that it is undeniably BS that they feed people and that if life sucks it sucks. When life gives you lemons.. you have freaking lemons. You have no sugar. You can't make lemonade. Some people throw their lemons away, some people demand that others to take their lemons from them, and other people eat their lemons and deal with it. I have no sympathy for people who won't eat the damned lemon, and am annoyed by people who try to force them upon others. Share it if someone wants a bite, but ultimately its yours to eat.