Don't you just hate it...
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07-18-2008, 01:56 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Don't you just hate it...
...when you're in a Forum (not this one I might add) and post a thread, or topic that is seemingly in the wrong place and instead of helping you out, everyone takes the opportunity to make diggs and arrogrant remarks at you?
Now I LOVE the FM boards becuase almost 100% of the time if I have made an innocent mistake there has been a long list of friendly people who love to point me in the right direction, no matter how silly my post may be.
However I was just on another forum (I will not name it) and I made a small post about how a particular component was not working properly (a bug report you could say), and got about 6 people who simply either made arrogant remarks on how I did not know who I was supposed to direct it to, or told me what to dobut followed it with attacks (like: "You post it here... in future don't clog up our forums with this ****").
In summary: Don't you just hate people who would rather pay out on you and belittle you to make themselves feel better rather than help you?
Also, this is a big kudos to the mods and members here on FM becuase as I said above you guys are 99% not like that and that's why I love coming here... but some of you are still tools!
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