_FAKE_, I have Optus cable and find fluctuations in speed almost non existent. It gives me 17mbps pretty much any time of the day... where I find my g/f's ADSL 2+ gives different results, ranging between 6-14mbps on any given time of the day. That's the only advantage I see with cable, mainly becuase it relies less on line quality and distance to produce results. But as you said availability is pretty limited (I can't get Telstra here, but can get Optus). I would switch over to ADSL2+ if I could (as I am only 1.5 cable kilometers from the exchange), but I have already established a solid business contact point via my optusnet email address that I cannot afford to lose (sound funny if you put it that way haha... 'afford').
Oh and on a side note, I think you meant 'mbps' for your measurements, as MB (in capitals) signifies megabytes instead of megabits. But I know what you meant anyway. [thumbup] ...I wish we had 8MB/sec!!!