No, you see you missed my point again. I'm not saying black people are getting put away for their crimes is a wrong thing, but I do personally feel that the color of skin can sometimes NOT ALWAYS! influence decisions made. Meaning that something a white man does and gets away with with a slap on the wrist will result in a black man going away for it. My point is that there is far too much to take into consideration because you start saying things like Sorry, but you dont actually know the hard facts thats been proven by many posts in this thread. I am not saying that Black people are not to blame, i'm not saying there is an excuse for their crimes. However what I am saying, is that this type of debate requires alot more facts and figures, and alot more consideration into things such the actual crimes commited and the white culture being still more backward and racist than most like to admit than actually just saying "black people steal more stuffz" and so on.