Magic: The Gathering
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11-07-2007, 06:08 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
“I keep hearing things like "Pernicious Deed is unfair when all your creatures”
We play casual multiplayer so there are a lots of house rules to keep the game fun and balanced. Some cards just don’t work in multiplayer or are overpowered so we change them. Like the one that untaps all your creature and mana every players turn. In an elf deck you just tap all you elfs every players turn and gain 1000’s of life before your next turn or worse if you have xx mana damage to a player. We changed it so it only untaps on players to your left and right not every player. Other silly combos like 20cards in your graveyard and you win have a ban. Its way to easy to win like that in multiplayer.
How does the Pernicious Deed combo work? Why is it so bad with regen creatures?
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